Sunday, December 29, 2013

Cara Kukuasai Bahasa Inggeris [Sebuah Kisah Benar]

Resepi Kejayaan:

                 1.            Menguasai tatabahasa Inggeris.
                 2.            Ulang baca.
                 3.            Tekun dan tidak segan bertanya guru.
                 4.            Berkorban masa.
                 5.            Hubungi guru Bahasa Inggeris.
                 6.            Tidak mudah berputus asa.
                 7.            Meminjam buku.
                 8.            Mencatat soalan pada kertas.
                 9.            Mencatat jawapan yang diperoleh.
            10.            Mencatat nota di dalam buku
            11.            Meningkatkan kosa kata Inggeris.
            12.            Memanfaatkan teknologi.
            13.            Menghafal frasa-frasa Inggeris.
            14.            Menonton filem dan drama Melayu dengan sari kata Inggeris.
            15.            Menonton filem Inggeris dengan sari kata Inggeris.
            16.            Membaca novel Inggeris.
            17.            Membaca akhbar Inggeris.
            18.            Praktik bertutur menggunakan bahasa Inggeris.


Ternyata, cara ini sangat membantu! Pembinaan ayat yang betul dan membawa maksud yang tepat sebenarnya banyak bergantung pada tahap penguasaan tatabahasa Inggeris seseorang individu.

Aku sudah mula ‘berjinak’ dengan bahasa Inggeris (BI) sejak berada di tingkatan tiga lagi. Dengan taufik Yang Maha Kuasa, alhamdulillah, buku ‘Tatabahasa Inggeris’ berkulit hijau tua terbitan 1985 yang pernah kubaca berjaya mencetus semangatku untuk terus beristiqamah mendalami bahasa dunia ini.

Setiap topik dan sub-topik yang terkandung dalam isi kandungan buku kecil itu dijelaskan secara terperinci oleh penulisnya dalam bahasa Melayu. Hal ini memudahkan pembaca sepertiku untuk memperoleh fahaman yang lebih baik. Bermula dengan buku inilah, aku dapat memahami Tenses dan Modal Verbs.

Walau bagaimanapun, sekiranya ditanya mengenai buku rujukan tatabahasa Inggeris terbaik, aku cadangkan buku ‘Understanding and Using English Grammar’ tulisan Betty Schrampfer Azar dan 'Towards Better English Grammar' oleh Hyacinth Gaudart. Harganya barangkali agak mahal namun masih bawah RM100. Dek kualitinya yang begitu bagus, buku-buku tersebut amatlah berbaloi untuk dimiliki. Kata orang Inggeris, it’s worth every penny!


Topik yang kelihatan remeh berkemungkinan paling sukar untuk difahami. Percaya atau tidak, Definite Article-the ialah sub-topik yang mengambil masa beberapa tahun untuk kumemahaminya. Oleh sebab itulah sesetengah topik mesti diulang baca.

Pernah terjadi pada diriku suatu ketika dahulu. Bayangkan, aku hanya mula memahami suatu sub-topik setelah acapkali membacanya! Sebagai manusia biasa, kadang-kadang, kita mungkin terlepas pandang. 


Tidak cukup dengan buku-buku rujukan, aku rajinkan diri untuk bertanya pada guru-guru BIku di sekolah. Aku buang jauh-jauh perasaan segan dan malu kerana kutahu, ‘malu bertanya, sesat jalan’. Setuju?


Pernah aku korbankan waktu rehatku selama 20 minit demi ilmu. Ada kalanya, aku terpaksa ‘mencuri’ masa untuk bertemu dengan guru BIku, terutamanya ketika waktu ketiadaan guru di dalam kelas atau waktu tamat persekolahan. Pernah juga aku bertanya ketika sesi pembelajaran BI, ketika membuat latihan yang disuruh.


Bukan niat untuk mengganggu rumah tangga orang. Aku pernah beberapa kali menghubungi guru BIku pada sebelah malam untuk bertanya. Maklumlah, masa yang agak singkat ketika di sekolah kerap juga menghalang usaha murniku ini.


Kata orang, guru BI kebanyakannya garang. Guru BIku, Puan Sabariah Abdul Mubin memang cukup garang orangnya. Oleh kerana impianku mahu berjaya, kena marah tu biasalah, kerana aku ini agak lembab sedikit orangnya. Sering juga aku pergi bertanya guru-guru BIku. Setiap kali bertanya, alhamdulillah, penjelasan diberi banyak membantuku menguasai BI dengan lebih cepat.


Di samping itu, aku juga pernah meminjam buku-buku tatabahasa Inggeris di perpustakaan sekolah. Boleh dikatakan hampir semua buku tatabahasa Inggeris yang disusun di atas rak di dalam pusat ilmu tersebut sudah aku baca pada masa itu.

Sejujurnya, aku pernah ‘mencuri’ sebuah buku rujukan tatabahasa Inggeris baru di situ tanpa kebenaran. Mana tidak nya, buku itu belum pun dilekatkan nombor kodnya. Belum pun disusun di atas rak. Disebabkan sikapku yang kurang penyabar orangnya, aku terus ‘kebas’ sehari untuk dibaca.


Saban hari, pelbagai soalan timbul di fikiranku. Dan setiap kali soalan tersebut timbul, aku akan catat pada sehelai kertas. Dan keesokan harinya, aku akan berjumpa dengan guru BIku untuk mendapatkan jawapan atau penjelasan terperinci. Itulah juga nasihat guru BIku, Puan Zabidah Tengah kepadaku suatu ketika dahulu kerana aku pernah terlupa soalan-soalan yang mahu ditanya ketika berjumpa dengannya.


Setiap kali penjelasan diberi, aku akan segera mencatat pada kertas soalan yang kubawa tadi seringkas mungkin, asalkan kufaham ejaan dan isinya. Hal ini penting agar jawapan atau penjelasan yang diperoleh tidak mudah dilupa. Kata Tun Mahathir Mohamad, Melayu mudah lupa. 

Ketika berada di tingkatan 4, aku merupakan pelajar harian dan menaiki van untuk berulang alik ke sekolah. Ketika berada di dalam van dalam perjalanan pulang ke rumah, aku manfaatkan masa dengan melihat kembali nota ringkas yang dicatat tadi. Dek minat yang mendalam mungkin, Allah permudahkanku untuk mengingat apa jua yang kupelajari. Syukur alhamdulillah.


Ketika di rumah pula, aku akan mengarang persis penulis novel. Lebih tepat lagi, mencatat kembali ‘ilmu-ilmu yang segar’ tadi di dalam sebuah buku log panjang yang kujadikan sebagai buku nota tatabahasa Inggerisku.

Di samping itu, aku pastikan nota ditulis dengan kemas dan mudah dibaca. Manakala perkataan-perkataan yang penting digariskan dengan pensel warna. Begitu juga dengan bullets yang dibuat. Dengan ini, notaku nampak lebih ceria dan tidaklah membosankan apabila ingin dibaca kembali kelak.


Kamus kuanggap umpama seorang rakan karib. Kamus BI-BM pilihanku ialah Advanced English Dictionary (English-Bahasa Malaysia Edition) yang kulitnya berwarna merah. Aku guna kamus sampai hancur lebur! Hancur lebur disebabkan oleh sikapku yang seringkali membelek kamus tersebut untuk mencari definisi sepatah perkataan. Oh ya, sekiranya anda sedang mencari sebuah kamus BI-BI terbaik, cubalah Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary.

Mengapa perlukan kamus?

“Jika ingin menguasai bahasa asing seperti bahasa Inggeris, tanpa kamus di sisi, umpama mengayuh sebuah basikal tanpa roda. Bagaimana mahu bergerak?”


Kamus Oxford atas talian boleh dicapai dan diguna secara percuma! Apa yang perlu, google saja! Itu salah satu kaedah yang biasa aku gunakan apabila melayari Internet.

Kini, segalanya hanya di hujung jari anda, bukan? Cuma klik pada link berikut: . Mudah bukan! Bukan sahaja kita dapat mencari definisi perkataan, bahkan turut dapat mendengar secara langsung sebutan betul perkataan yang dicari sama ada mengikut sebutan Bahasa Inggeris Britain ataupun Amerika.


Banyak frasa Inggeris yang kuhafal. Faktornya, tidak semua ayat bahasa Melayu boleh diterjemah ke dalam BI sewenang-wenangnya. Mengambil frasa ‘suka hati awaklah’ sebagai contoh, takkanlah nak diterjemah ‘like your heart’ pula kan? Sepatutnya, ‘suit yourself’.



Aku gemar menonton filem dan drama Melayu yang disediakan sari kata Inggeris. Dengan ini, aku dapat bandingkan ayat Melayu yang dituturkan oleh pelakon dengan terjemahannya. Masalahnya, tidak semua terjemahan yang diberi adalah tepat. L


Bunyinya mungkin aneh. Akan tetapi, aku lebih gemar menonton filem Inggeris di mana sari kata Inggeris disediakan. Selain mendengar sebutan perkataan-perkataan Inggeris yang dituturkan, frasa-frasa Inggeris juga dapat dipelajari. Hal ini kerana, terdapat banyak frasa Inggeris yang dituturkan oleh para pelakon. Kenapa tidak kita manfaatkan peluang keemasan ini daripada hanya menonton filem tersebut di mana akhirnya hiburan sahaja yang diperoleh setelah sejam atau dua jam menonton? Fikirkan sejenak.


Ulat buku sepertiku lebih selesa membaca bahan bacaan dalam BM berbanding BI. Ironinya, beberapa tahun yang lepas, aku cabar diri membeli sebuah novel Inggeris. Novel ‘Confessions of a Shopaholic’ tulisan sepenuhnya Sophie Kinsella menjadi 'taruhan' pertama.

Setelah membaca satu, dua bab pertama, aku mula berasa agak bosan kerana sukar untuk memahami plot penceritaanya. Tetapi, aku tabah dan konsisten. Aku teruskan pembacaanku ke bab-bab seterusnya.

Alhamdulillah, Allah Taala permudahkan segalanya. Minatku bertambah kerana sedikit demi sedikit, aku mula memahami gaya penulisan Inggeris. Di dalam sebuah novel Inggeris yang tebal itu, aku dapati, mengandungi puluhan dan mungkin juga ratusan frasa-frasa Inggeris.

Untuk memahami makna frasa-frasa yang baru ditemui, aku menjadikan kamus sehebat Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary sebagai sumber rujukan utama selain Internet. Bak pepatah Melayu, 'sambil menyelam minum air'. Bukan sahaja frasa Inggeris yang kupelajari, malah kemahiran penulisan turut sama diasah dan digilap. Bukankah membaca itu satu kaedah untuk memperbaiki kemahiran menulis seseorang individu?


Oh ya, sekiranya anda tercari-cari novel Inggeris yang bagus, aku cadangkan novel-novel tulisan Sophie Kinsella. Penulisannya lebih mudah untuk kufahami dan diselit bersama lawak jenaka yang kadang-kala di luar jangkaan pembaca.

Protagonis atau watak utama yang dihidupkan oleh penulis berbangsa Inggeris ini lazimnya memiliki karakter yang agak lucu. Penulisannya amat diminati oleh jutaan pencinta novel Inggeris hari ini, layaklah novel-novel beliau dilabel ‘best-selling’. Mana taknya, filem meletup ‘Confessions of a Shopaholic’ juga merupakan hasil adaptasi dari novel hebat beliau!

Selain Sophie Kinsella, tulisan Jeff Kinney pula tidak kurang juga hebatnya. Penulis novel bersiri ‘Diary of a Wimpy Kid’ ini berjaya menghidupkan watak utamanya, Gregory dengan cemerlang sekali. Tidak hairanlah, novel ini pernah diangkat menjadi beberapa buah filem terbitan United States dengan judul filem yang sama.


Memandangkan akhbar Inggeris seperti The Star, Malay Mail dan New Straits Time boleh dibaca secara atas talian, mengapa tidak anda manfaatkannya? Membaca akhbar Inggeris banyak juga membantuku memperoleh istilah-istilah tertentu yang mungkin sukar untuk diperoleh menerusi sebuah kamus.

Misalnya, aku sendiri tidak tahu apa ‘Majlis Penyampaian Hadiah’ dalam BI sehinggalah aku temuinya di dalam sebuah akhbar Inggeris. Menakjubkan, bukan?


Bercakap menggunakan BI secara spontan atau di dalam hati. Monolog pun okey. Inilah sebahagian daripada pendekatan yang kugunakan untuk memantapkan pertuturanku. Sekiranya ingin fasih berbahasa Inggeris, berkomunikasi dalam BI merupakan satu kewajipan!

Faktor masyarakat rata-rata berbangsa Melayu dan bertutur menggunakan bahasa Melayu sepenuhnya, maka peluangku untuk bertutur dalam bahasa antarabangsa ini saban hari amatlah nipis. Oleh sebab itu, aku lebih gemar berfikir dan kadang-kadang mengeluh dalam BI.

Bonus untuk diriku kerana apabila ketika mengajar ataupun berinteraksi dengan para pelajarku, BI lebih kerap digunakan, diiringi Bahasa Kebangsaan. Sekurang-kurangnya, dengan cara ini, aku mampu bertutur dalam BI dengan lebih fasih dan lancar. Tetapi, jangan pula sampai pinggirkan bahasa ibunda sendiri! 

Konklusinya, usaha tangga kejayaan. Kegigihan dan penat lelahku selama ini kini terbayar. Hari ini, aku mampu tersenyum bangga dengan kejayaan yang kukecapi. Anda pula bagaimana?

PS: Tiba-tiba, aku rasa ingin menulis sebuah buku pula. Komenku, “Tiada apa yang mustahil dengan izin-Nya!”

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Going Book Shopping

Not long ago. Sometime in the afternoon, if I’m not mistaken. Riding my extremely ‘ancient’ Dad’s Honda Cub, I headed to the Water Front and Heritage City, Kuala Terengganu. I parked the motorbike as usual, at a parking lot somewhere truly beside some contemporary-looking building whose name I myself feel unsure of. Because I couldn't care less! 

Shortly afterwards, I cautiously walked across the one-way street, past some bank (Can't recall its real name I'm afraid.) before I stepped into a huge bookstore reading ‘Pustaka Seri Intan 2’. Its location’s just next to the Kenangan Hotel – a budget hotel I assume. Truth be told, this is my favourite bookstore where I most often go book shopping at.

Walking past the main entrance, I typically take a look on an enormous quantity of for-sale magazines, very neatly arranged on a sort of flat shelf. Of household-related titles to sports, careers, hobbies, worlds of celebrities and whatnot. Allow me to name a few i.e. ‘Midi’, ‘Harmoni’, ‘Glam’ and ‘Mingguan Wanita’.

Unexpectedly, both of my chocolate-coloured eyes caught on this ‘Mingguan Wanita’ mag, serial no. 1570, dated 20-26 Dec publication, all of a sudden. On top of that, a happily married couple of Malaysia’s popular public figures’ nice family photo decorated the cover page, I guess, as ‘bait’ for bookworms. Good trick, isn't it? 

Who knows?

‘Unfortunately’, I was the 'fish' who ate the ‘bait’! Not that I’m a so-called fan of Aidid Marcello's. It’s all due to one inspiring topic titled ‘Angan-angan ke London & Paris Jadi Kenyataan.’ It got me envious as I’ve long dreamt to get there. Very funny! I wish I could get there someday, insya-Allah. I did choose the mag, anyway. Huhu.

A mag had been selected now. Outstanding choice! I then hurried my step, walking forward to another division of the bookstore, heading to the middle. Approaching one of the book shelves, a big book shelf specifically allocated for hundreds of best-selling English novels. And, ones of them must be my favourite ones whose writer's name is Madeleine Wickham a.k.a Sophie Kinsella.  

It’s been such a long time that I yearned for her other must-read novels: ‘The Wedding Girl’ as well as ‘Swimming Pool Sunday’. Both the novels cost me RM30 something respectively. Quite costly, if you ask me. Not that I can’t afford, nevertheless. 

Up till now, I’ve been reading most of her fantastic novels up. Unquestionably, it’s worth every penny! She’s such a gifted novelist and I must say. Today, she’s already attracted, randomly, millions of novel lovers worldwide with her super imaginative plots. Good job, Mrs Sophie! (Looking forward to reading your next novel, even though have yet to finish reading both the mentioned novels.)

Plus, loaded with a whole lot of slightly unpredictable humours as well as suspense, each novel of hers can make us all LOL (laugh out loud) without feeling compelled to.  FYI, both these specialities have eventually made me fall in love with this very talented British novelist’s writing.

Both novels had been chosen now. So, what else? Of course, I gotta pay! I made the payment whereupon. To my knowledge, I’d spent a hundred or so for all the magazine and novels that afternoon. Soon after that, I walked out of the bookstore with contentment. "Yes, I did it!" I cried in silence. And the next destination, naturally, was ‘home sweet home’! "Can't wait to read them up," I whispered deep in my heart. 

PS: I’ve read nearly half of all the chapters in the novel ‘The Wedding Girl’ by now. I wish I could finish my reading ASAP.  

Monday, December 23, 2013

Goldfish's My New Pet

It all began out of the blue as my little brother keenly recommended that we drop by at a fish shop nearby, though for a sec. And we’re, as a matter of fact, on our ride home.

The fish shop’s located just next to a petrol station of Jalan Sultan Mahmud and just another 200m away is a roundabout exclusively decorated with a well-known Terengganu engraved stone replica, which’s in the middle of the roundabout and which then has axiomatically increased the magnificence of KT city centre.

Now that it’s, I supposed, such a brilliant idea so it’s good whether we both could stop by, only for a short time, anyway. I swear I had no intention at all to make any purchase in the first place.

In the small shop, there’re lots of multi-size aquariums, respectively occupied by a wide range of fish species as well as lobsters. Of my nonchalant observation, among the fishes available there included goldfish!

Well…I’ve been longing to own an aquarium of a school of goldfish, like, for ages. Yup, definitely! I’d no idea why, at the moment, the utmost beauty of goldfish was so truly drawing my attention. And the strong feeling of possessing such beautiful goldfish was bloody killing me, feeling like letting everybody know how much I wanted the fish.  

Thinking of an aquarium at home being occupied by the only lobster, it seemed a really waste of electricity – which is used every single day, all day long – to allocate only for one lobster! I was thinking of adding some fish in the aquarium. “Why not?” I heard myself saying thoughtlessly.  

Using some fishing tackle (Dunno what they name the equipment), my fresh chocolate-coloured eyes were, at present, choosing a few more beautiful goldfish as seen in the goldfish-occupied aquarium there. At least, a couple – my target.

Talking about the price, it only cost me RM4 each. Inexpensive enough! Hence, price, personally, should no longer be my excuse for not buying some. Once again, a dream come true. Other than that, I too bought a pack of plastic plants, looking like sea weeds as extra decoration.

Due to my deep interest towards goldfish, I dared buy four goldfish. Seemed I got a little too carried away just after making the payment. “Can’t wait to get home,” I whispered.

About eighteen minutes later, I guess, after having undergone some typical traffic jams during the peak hour, alhamdulillah, we eventually reached home safely. Hastily, I started moving all the four goldfish out of the transparent plastic filled with oxygen into an even more enormous aquarium. “All of ‘em are gonna live as freely as possible there,” I sort of hoped.

Seeing the apparent liveliness of each one of the energetic-looking swimming goldfish, honestly speaking, I felt so much overwhelmed with the feeling of delight and gratitude to Allah the Almighty for all that. This used to be my dream. My face spontaneously gave a smile showing the feeling of real satisfaction for getting to see a school of beautiful swimming goldfish.

 “Oh my, officially, I’ve now owned my pets. And they’re goldfish,” I knowingly said in disbelief.

PS: Do you like goldfish too?

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Book Shopping for Kuala Terengganuvians at SMO

It’s merely less than two and a half hours before evening after performing four-rakaah Zuhr prayer. Wearing a yellow collared T-shirt together with a pair of black track suit, I, without further ado, took Daddy’s motorbike key hung somewhere on the living-room wall. My crew cut hair seemed to have been neatly combed. Though I knew it’d turn as utterly messy as nuts in that I was gonna put a purplish helmet on.

I went for a ride cautiously shortly after that heading to the north of Kuala Terengganu (KT). Upon reaching a crossroad somewhere in Bukit Tunggal, near a new branch of Open University campus, whilst waiting patiently for the red traffic light to turn green, my concentration suddenly changed to a new-built overhead bridge before me reading “Selamat Datang (ke) Kuala Nerus”.

My mind went totally nonplussed for a while. “Is that true (that) Kuala Nerus is now the eighth district of this state?” The question remained unanswered somehow. There’s no way I would dare ask the rider being next to me for some clarification, would I? He’d think I was silly instead.

Leaving the question unanswered, I found myself whining, “Why bother, anyway? Could simply google later at home. It’s a piece of cake!” One should benefit today’s ever-developing technology. Soon after that, I reached the next traffic light and before the light turned ‘red’ again, I rapidly turned right into what’s-its-name road. Now, I was only few metres away from the expected destination, Giant supermarket Gong Badak branch.

The last time I shopped there, I recall, was last May. Approximately, four months ago. Previously, I went there in order to survey “What’s so different about that giant supermarket?” And not to mention the moment I very much enjoyed my so-called ‘luxurious’ lunch at Secret Recipe.

After having parking the motorbike properly beside the enormous premise, I began walking into the supermarket. Alone. The fairly cold wind of the functioning air-conditioners was, as though, surely welcoming.

Reminding myself of the main purpose of coming over, both of my chocolate-coloured eyes were starting wildly looking for some bookstore. I wandered around while observing every outlet. Food Terrace, Focus Point and Kopitiam – these are several of them.

 “Oh yes! That’s the very bookstore they’ve been talking about,” I heard myself whispering. Thoughtlessly, I walked to the outlet whereupon. The sign board overhead read SMO which later I learnt it’s actually an abbreviation of Syarikat Muda Sdn Bhd.

I assumed it’s still a new branch here. Alhamdulillah. With the existence of this bookstore, it’s indirectly increased the quantity of bookstores opened around KT. Owing to the obvious lack of top-notch bookstores around the city centre, I felt so much pleased with this sudden ‘transformation’.

Hope that the number of bookstores as great as MPH Bookstore and Kinokuniya will be increasing and publicly opened within this city before long. In line with the government’s expectation to foster reading habit among Malaysians. Kuala Terengganuvians, in particular. 

Speaking of this new bookstore, something had gotten me a little bit astounded in the first place. Obviously, there’s a variety of books neatly arranged on each of the book shelves. Looked like a tiny room flooded with millions or billions of books without any little space left unused.

My first step was cordially greeted by a mounting number of Malay novels. In spite of a wide range of eye-catching graphic designs of, nearly, all of the novel covers, I didn’t even find myself the least bit fascinated to pick one. Not that I dislike it. Just, not for now.

A rectangular small signboard reading ‘English subtitle’ drew my attention. Both of my eyes were now searching for my favourite novelist’s novels, Sophie Kinsella. “Yesss, here there are!” I half screamed with excitement like crazy. A little while after that, the feeling hastily faded away. Only were the read novels still available displayed on the shelf. “Other novels may be put on any other shelves.” I made a guess. I therefore took a look on hundreds of other varieties of books on the other shelves.

“There’s a bunch of books in here. I must say.” Spontaneously, I uttered my personal opinion. After almost each one of the books and novels had been randomly seen, the feeling of gloominess came to me. The novels I was after seemed unavailable. For confirmation, I addressed one of the book cashiers about that.

He’s around 20’s, I supposed. Presumably he’d just graduated from high school. An SPM school-leaver, I thought. “Ah, none of my business!” I told myself off and hurriedly stopped thinking. Just like I said, the best-selling novels I wished I could get them there were truly sold out!

Even so, once again, I made another thorough observation on those books. The feeling of dejection was, as if, completely ‘cured’ when looking at a sort of thick book written by someone I’ve been acquainted with. A friend of mine on the well-known social web, Facebook. The book titled ‘Aduhai Isteri’ was written by a columnist of Kelab 40 Akhbar Sinar Harian named Muhamad Mat Yakim.

I was accustomed to reading his mostly based-on-true-stories writings. He constantly manages to come up with such interesting, hot topics, if you ask me. Since I’ve never regretted reading his previous writings, thoughtlessly, I made a purchase. Really convinced that the book contents were always ‘hot’!

Not only that book, I too spent RM15.90 for a so-called Indonesian bestseller comic. Its title is ‘33 Pesan Nabi: Jaga Hati, Buka Fikiran Vol. 2’. I’m understood that all the narrations of the stories are wholly based on Bukhari Muslim hadiths. It’s a religious comic, to be precise.

There’s something rather dull, boring about the book arrangement here that I sort of dislike. Should they ever drop by reading my blog, it’s hoped that they’re willing to accept my genuine comments, after some scrupulous thought. I did notice lots of books put down on the bottom shelves look somewhat unorganized.

Imagine that a couple of quite thick folklore books, translated into both Malay and English, that I feel a must-read book for every Malaysian, were put down at a bottom shelf? Still, it sounds alright to me but totally hidden and quite invisible of anyone’s observation? Oh, come on! That doesn’t sound alright to me.

After payment, I stepped out of the yellowish premises and afterwards headed to the motorcycle parking lot and went home.

PS: I actually intended to go to the city centre. The expected destination was Pustaka Seri Intan 2. Since, I’m sure, that the sought-after novels were there.  

Friday, August 16, 2013

Knowing Melanau Language

Location: Kg Bungan Besar, Dalat, Sarawak

I got overwhelmed with the feeling of complete misery. An English-written novel’s been left unintentionally. The truth is I’ve been long reading up yet another Sophie Kinsella’s latest novel i.e. “Wedding Night”. And the only lame excuses for having to leave it there away in ‘Land of the Hornbills’ were:

(1) The size of the novel looks far bigger (heavier as well) than an ordinary one.
(2) Mightn’t have the time to do the reading. Allegedly...

Time flies and I’m all for that. Just like how utterly half-conscious I feel regarding my ending two-week holidays. Apparently, each teacher’s gotta agree with me that the most perfect combination of Eid ul-Fitr and school break seems to be, like, a massive bonus for us to have so much pleasure over the much longer holidays. (It really is longer than ever.)

Not only that, I too deserve credit from you guys since I’ve been so wisely, beneficially spending the first week of Raya to the fullest. It’s called a learning enhancement activity. I’ve been learning Melanau language, to be more outspoken. With the continuous help of the two lower-form female students of mine, very proudly I’ve got every confidence that my Melanau mastery is obviously getting a lot better! And needless to say I’m currently top of the world. Yahoo!

Learning a language demands too high determination, passion and, of course, consistency. Verbs, nouns, auxiliary verbs, adjectives – these are among the part of speech I’ve been taught about.

Talking of Melanau language, strictly speaking, I genuinely have no other intention for doing all this. Merely fancy discovering the hidden uniqueness of the literature, varieties of local cultures and customs and that’s all. And surely, language is undeniably included, isn’t it?

The very first Melanau word I knew was dibei, the translation of which is tiada in Bahasa. And, words such as kaau (you) and ko (I) I suppose are another first vocab I gained before. I’m not saying Melanau language’s such a tough one in that there’re still a bunch of people like me capable of memorizing a massive number of Melanau words. Most significantly, continuous enthusiasm, consistency and passion.

Being able to speak in a ‘foreign’ language should be something to be honoured and proud of. The local people would also feel really too astounded if Peninsular Malaysians can use and speak their own language properly, let alone fluently. And yeah this is so incredibly awesome!

I’ve yet to consider writing in Melanau for the blog however. ‘cause the world are my readers, rather than merely a minor number of certain people.

PS: Gonna fly away to Brunei Darussalam before long! 

Saturday, June 8, 2013

The Life I've Chosen

Do me a favour. Verbally, please mention several occupations available worldwide. Doctor – accountant – lawyer – businessman… and hang on! Kindly allow me to add another one. Teacher. And I choose it since… I myself, unquestionably, am a school teacher! Aha. J


Contemplate. Let’s all ponder, shall we? Just a second. Less than 60 seconds. Here’s a question for you to have it answered: Did they previously choose to become such awesome people? I mean… people having a tip-top career?

As I firmly feel convinced that you guys have got something called… a super mind. I, therefore, reckon you’d see eye to eye that most of them have already made their mind up choosing that kind of life and, frankly speaking, so have I!

Neither am I saying my life’s perfect. Nor complete. Yet, alhamdulillah, it seems I ain’t always daydreamt all this while. I’m working the hardest possible, conversely. And I feel very much grateful to The Almighty for making who I am today. I’d feel so deeply honoured to my own self.

Pretty sure that the life I go on with today is what exactly I’ve chosen. And I’ve chosen to be a teacher. Despite the low-paid salary, I’m feeling so good. Much more thankful. Now that I’ve gotten my own monthly income, I’m able to do whatever I long. As long as it isn’t, I think, too much.

As a government ‘slave’, [What’s wrong with that, anyway?], I’ve nothing to worry about when it comes to income. I guarantee, my income will be ever-increasing. Annually. Alhamdulillah.

Making a purchase of a slightly costly financial management-based book at market is supposed to be regarded as a good investment. That I don’t axiomatically seem to be taking financial matters for granted any more. I’m genuinely serious as well as ready, for sure.

Life contains full of mysterious, hilarious, inspiring, indescribable things to be explored on our own. As though it’s such a huge loss whether we aren’t enjoying our lives to the fullest.

Can’t deny that our decision is very hugely influenced by parents, folks, peers, etc. It, consequently, tends to make us feel a teeny bit uncomfortable sometimes.

Things’ve changed! Currently, I’ve grown up! Yahoo! Whilst I’m still alive, I’d love to attain each dream of mine. A number of dreams demands a little sacrifice including finance itself – but most importantly, I am enjoying my life that much. That’ll do. If you ask me.

I survive at present listening to what my instinct says. I DON’T CARE about others’ negative point of views that will only make me even less enthusiastic at all times! One ought to follow one’s heart. So long as it ain’t against the Islamic teaching, in my two cents… go ahead, then!

“There’s nothing to regret because you chose it!”

Going travelling is one of my favourite pastimes. And yeah, I’m going overseas around the corner, flying to Singapore at the end of this June for the very first time of my overseas holiday. And I can’t help feeling on top of the world with what I’m gonna do.

And travelling around the world is certainly my dream! And I ain’t Mat Jenin’s grandson or whatever. I wanna ensure my dream come true, not eventually ending up a mere wishful thinking. At least, it can’t be me! Oh, come on!

Thank God, it’ll turn out to be a reality soon. And I feel so indescribably thrilled to bits. Alhamdulillah. Thank you ALLAH. For this golden opportunity.

Sounds pretty exhilarating that I can’t help telling you that I’m gonna be on vacation in Brunei Darussalam this coming September. And not forgetting, Indonesia this November. The state of Sabah will be one of my choices as well. Insya-ALLAH. This year! 2013 will turn out to be one of the most happiest year in my entire life! Alhamdulillah. Alhamdulillah. Alhamdulillah.

In a nutshell, all I can say is that nothing’s impossible, if ALLAH wills it. Saving millions of cash will be just utterly worthless whether I’ve no idea on how to spend it wisely. And I bet I shan’t bring all my money along to the grave, shall I? Benefiting some of my monthly saving in order to fulfill my desire, thus, can’t be a huge waste, can it? And, I would say…why not?

Besides, this is the life I’ve chosen. And let me be. After working so hard [Not hard enough, actually], all the effort is going to be paid. At last. With travelling! Heehee… And, of course, your life could be different compared to mine. Because there’s one thing you must and must constantly keep in mind.

“What you’re doing is mostly what you’ve chosen.”

In other words, that’s your life you’ve chosen. If not, fire yourself away, ‘why have I to be doing all this stuff, should that be not what I really wanna do?’

PS: Happy holidays!
Written by: Khairul Anuar